240SX Pro128 firmware
Pro128 & Pro48-701 Applications (89'-99')
300ZX Pro128 firmware
Pro128 Application (76 pin)
350Z Pro128 firmware
350z Pro48-701 & Pro128 Applications (02'-06') ~ 350z HR Pro112 Application (07'-08')
CORVETTE Pro128 Firmware (Both C6/ZR1)
Universal Pro128 Application – Lamborghini Includes following options: Ignition timing I-Boost Control (5 stages of boost curves that can be selected to be targeted against Vehicle Speed, Time, or ...
STI Pro112 firmware
Pro112 Application (04'-08')
Supra MKIII Pro128 firmware
Pro128 & Pro112 Applications (87'-88') (89-92')
Supra MKIV Pro128 firmware
Pro128, Pro112, & Pro48-701 Applications Auto & 6spd (93'-98')
TC - XB Pro128 firmware
Pro128 & Pro48-701 Applications (04'-10')